Welcome to Freedom Fellowship

What would it look like, in Heaven, if the whole nation prayed at once?

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9:30 AM Sundays
For more information, please email kristinhall@ffctv.church
or call352-661-3655

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Sunday at 9:15 AM | Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

What is Freedom Fellowship?

Freedom Fellowship Church of The Villages, FL is an exciting new ministry that began holding worship services on January 8th, 2017. We are a ministry that believes in God and Country, thus you see a combination of the CROSS and the AMERICAN FLAG in our logo.

We want to send you a warm invitation to experience worship with us. We are non-denominational and practice three guiding principles, FAITH……FAMILY…..and FREEDOM!

"We believe that Jesus is the ONLY hope for our Nation, the Church, our Families, and our Lives! It is our desire to build a progressive ministry that holds on to conservative values and seeks to be BIBLICALLY CORRECT rather than POLITICALLY CORRECT. If you are searching for something dynamic and a little different, come see us. We are the perfect church for people who aren’t." - Pastor Melvin and Lili Whittington

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Meet Our Pastors

Pastor Melvin and Lili Whittington

With a career as a Church planter spanning more than 40 years in Tennessee, North Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Ohio among other locations, and missionary work in the Caribbean and in Central and South America, Melvin was asked to plant one more, and that was the beginning of Freedom Fellowship Church of the Villages (FFCTV).

Melvin and his wife Liliana moved to The Villages Florida in 2016, and in 2017 the task of seeding FFCTV began.

The goal? To establish a full gospel remnant Church to prepare God’s children for the coming rapture, and what we may face until then.

As a result, in 2022 FFCTV has obtained property and erected a revival tent where Sunday services are held, while simultaneously streaming to thousands around the world. To inform and prepare his flock, Pastor Melvin co-hosts a news commentary program with FFCTV Co-Pastor Paul Begley using the Word of God as their compass.

Pastor Paul Begley

Pastor Paul Begley has pastored from the cornfields of Indiana over 38 years! Pastor Paul is married to his wife Heidi of 40 years with 3 sons and 7 grandchildren.

Ordained under Dr. Lester Sumrall, Pastor Paul has a multifaceted ministry including television, internet missions and healing out reaches.In the last two years Pastor Paul and Heidi were led to come alongside Pastor Melvin and Lili Whittington in The Villages Florida to Co-Pastor Freedom Fellowship.

Meet Our Full Team

baptism sign-up

Baptism is an outward act that symbolizes the inward phenomenon of coming to and accepting Jesus Christ as real, as God incarnate, as the sacrificial means by which those who believe in him can be forever reconciled to God. The purpose of baptism is to give visual testimony of our commitment to Christ. It is the first step of discipleship (Acts 8:26-39).

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